Nakuru Living Lab

Dairy farmers trained on fodder production and preservation

Wanyororo dairy farmers trained on fodder production

Dairy farmers from Wanyororo cooperative attended a fodder production and preservation training at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) beef research, Lanet. Areas of training included fodder production, making feed rations and feed block preservation technology. The trainers encouraged farmers to plant fodder varieties suitable for their agro-ecological zone. Besides providing feed, fodder crops reduce soil erosion and legume fodders have the added advantage of increasing soil fertility by fixing atmospheric Nitrogen.

Left: Training on feed ration Right: Making feed blocks

To reduce cost of feeds, farmers were urged to make feed rations at their farms using the locally available fodder. The farmers were informed that they could contact the research station to do feed analysis and advise them accordingly. Feed preservation was also emphasized to reduce wastage in the wet seasons. The farmers learnt an alternative technology, that is, feed block technology which is relatively cheaper, the feed is of high-quality and requires less space.

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Francis Mbinda Nginga
Francis Mbinda Nginga
2 years ago

I would like to visit this lab,where can I find you?

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