Nakuru living lab currently has 10 innovation cases (ICs). Having walked with eight ICs for the last one and a half year, it was time to take stock. The participants looked at the threats affecting the food system in Nakuru. The identified threats were organic waste accumulation, soil acidity, unsafe food, deforestation, seasonal and low-quality fodder, high cost of inputs among others.
The different innovation cases shared on their innovations that were in one way or another addressing the above threats. These ranged from adding value to organic waste, improving soil health through reduction of inorganic inputs, nursery establishment to fish value addition. The participants also shared their vision for the Nakuru food system in the next five years and what steps they can take now towards achieving the vision. Among the guests for the day were Dr. Geoffrey Kamau (KALRO), Sylvia Kuria, an organic farmer, representatives from the County government and representative from Bio-vision.