What a day! 17 initiatives working on regenerative and inclusive agricultural practices from far and near convened in Nakuru town on February 5, 2021. The room filled with passion, entrepreneurship and vigor. All initiatives showed their own innovative ambition to work on regenerative food systems, such as Griincom Enterprises, a group of mainly women who make organic compost from crop residues and manure.
Innovating asks for persistence and partnerships. Several initiatives are going to join their forces in a living lab, together with supporting partners like Egerton University. Priorities the initiatives identified to work on:
-Resource mobilisation to finance implementation of innovations.
-Raising consumer awareness and supporting market development for new products.
– Effective collaboration with scientific partners to collect evidence on the sustainability impact of the innovations
-Testing new mechanisms to support the scaling of the initiatives to increase impact.
In the next weeks, the first learning journeys start to prepare the basis for the living lab’s innovation agenda. The long term vision and the living lab activities will be further designed.
Living lab design workshop
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