MUKEBO is a new innovation case under the Nakuru living lab, consisting of 25 smallholder horticulture farmers in Rongai, Nakuru county. The group took a learning journey to Kabaa irrigation scheme in Mwala, Machakos county. The visit was meant to inspire the farmers by interacting with other smallholder farmers who have succeeded in irrigated agriculture. Kabaa irrigation scheme is in a semi-arid area. The farmers practice various regenerative and conservation practices like planting in basins, crop rotation, crop diversification and use of compost. Resource use efficiency was evident through intercropping french beans with maize in the basins. The farmers maximize their returns by diversification and staggered planting ensuring there is a crop throughout the year. To take care of the soil, soil and water analysis are regularly done and gypsum applied where soil acidity is a challenge.
Group organization and the structure put in place was a major success factor. Having an overall management committee and sub committees in charge of finance, marketing and dispute resolution was admirable.
Cross-learning smk g communities is key to unlocking potential to operationalize a vision